Welcome to the Waging War on Normal Website!

My name is Robert Montgomery and I think normal is boring. 

Here are a few things I believe about you:

  • You have something unique and special inside of you to share with the world.
  • You must figure out what this is and begin pursuing it.
  • There are probably some distractions in your life that you need to get rid of.
  • You should quit waiting for someone to pick you or to give you permission.
  • The time for you to stand up, be bold, and get started is NOW.


If these ideas resonate with you then you are in the right place.

Our lives become rich when we become brave enough to set sail. Brave enough to wake up, voyage into the unknown, and go after our true calling.

You only get one shot at living the life you were meant to live. If you’re not on track, then correct course today.

You will encounter constant resistance to these ideas. When you do, you must believe in your soul that these ideas are worth fighting for.

This is a crucial battle. It is one you must win.

There are not many things of greater importance. You must band together with other like minded warriors to wage war against the enemy forces, fighting to use the time, talents, passions, and resources you have to make a difference.

I started this website and blog because I believe these ideas are worthy of sharing and fighting fiercely for.

The site is updated regularly with content and resources to help you fight the war to live a life of meaning.

If you don’t want to miss a thing, then be sure to sign up to have free updates emailed to you.