- Think – What’s the momentum for? What direction do you want to go? Where do you want to end up? Use a blank piece of paper and write down your ideas.
- Learn Quickly – This is easy with today’s technology. Find the best in the world at whatever you’re trying to do and spend a few hours studying them. Ask a coach, mentor, or expert for advice.
- Write down 10 actions you can take immediately – Pick action steps that you think will move you in the right direction
- Review Results – See what kind of response you get from the 10 actions you performed. Analyze the results and respond as necessary. What went well? What did not go well? What’s next?
- Repeat – Now you have the experience and the momentum of the first 10 actions. Pick the next 10 and repeat the process.
3 – 2- 1 – GO!
Limited spots are available for Peak Performance Coaching Groups and our Corporate Coaching Program. Email robert@WagingWarOnNormal.com this week to apply!