What does it take to be highly motivated? And more importantly, what does it take to maintain that high level of motivation even after you have achieved a lot of success?
Rich Froning has earned the title of “fittest man on earth” numerous times now by winning the Crossfit Games an impressive three times.
The Crossfit Games have been held every summer since 2007. They consist of multiple events per day over several days involving weightlifting, gymnastic type bodyweight movements, taxing cardio activities, as well as many other random unknowns thrown into the mix to find and exploit any weaknesses that a competitor may have.
Dave Castro, the director of the Crossfit Games has publicly stated in the past that he believed that there would never be a repeat winner of the Crossfit Games.
So how has Rich Froning managed to win the games not just once or twice, but an amazing three times in a row?
In his book “First: What It Takes To Win”, Froning talks about the source of his motivation:
“I think I can now explain having the same desire to win by saying that winning wasn’t my ultimate goal in 2011, and it wasn’t my ultimate goal the next year, either. My number one goal was to glorify God through my competing.”
On his right side, running up under his arm towards his shoulder, Froning has Galations 6:14 tattooed on his body. This bible verse states:
“But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”
Froning said this about the tattoo:
“The tattoo also was easily visible to me, and it instantly began serving as both a declaration and a reminder of my purpose, of why I am here.”
In a nutshell, Rich Froning is motivated by something way bigger than himself and way bigger than just winning.
Sure he has a ton of natural talent and ability, but so do a whole lot of people who do not win the Crossfit Games three times in a row.
It is ultimately his drive to glorify God through his competing that motivates Froning day in and day out. The path to winning certainly isn’t easy, involving multiple intense training sessions per day almost every day of the year (even on his wedding day).
Having a goal bigger than just “winning” also helps to take a lot of pressure off. Instead you become focused on simply giving your best, encouraging others, being a good sportsman, etc.
I consistently find that the top people in any field that I talk to seem to be way more focused on consistently doing the behaviors that lead to results vs just always focusing on the end result.
What drives you? Is it bigger than just “winning” and “getting”?
It seems that the best in the world are about things bigger than themselves. Maybe there is some wisdom there for us to learn from…