“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”-Steve Jobs
You probably have a lot of urgent things to do today so I’ll keep this short.
“How’s your day been?”
We hear this all the time. But if everyone around us is so busy, why are so few happy and fulfilled?
The answer is that you and I spend too much time focused on urgent things that aren’t really important to us vs the truly important things that in the moment seem less pressing.
We think “I’ll get to those things later”. But all too often, “later” turns in to regret and never comes.
Focusing on the important is hard work. It means being able to say no to the urgent but unimportant things, even when we might disappoint others.
In the end though, if you are always neglecting what’s truly important to you just to make others happy, you are going to end up very disappointed.
So now, go do something important to you!
I’m only accepting 10 people into my new Peak Performance Coaching Program. To learn more email robert@wagingwaronnormal.com today!